Monday 26 June 2023


Paul Nwosu

A video by one Ifeanyi Orakwe has come to my attention. He is obviously reacting to Governor Charles Chukwuma Soludo’s very successful Town Hall meeting with Ndi Anambra in Lagos where he beseeched them to come back home and invest their wealth.

For discerning minds, the video where Orakwe asked Ndi Anambra not to heed their Governor’s call to invest in their state comes across as facile and brazen economic sabotage against the people of Anambra. This is shamelessly not a true reflection of the comparative progress made with regards to the security of Anambra State in the last 16 months that Governor Soludo has been in office.

In the first place, for over 20 years, all major markets in Onitsha get closed to costumers by 5pm. And as soon as they close, all the shops on their periphery equally close. Modebe Avenue that this glib fellow referred to is contiguous to Ochanja Market. So you begin to wonder if this man just dropped from the moon or he’s just out to be mischievous.

 But thank God, our illustrious sons and daughters of Anambra State who he's trying to discourage from coming to invest in their dear State understand the terrain better than him. They have sufficient intels at their disposal to know that the security situation in the State has comparatively and drastically improved from what it used to be. So they hardly need an advice from a lone late night wanderer who, only God knows, where he was coming from at that time of the night (definitely not 9:30pm) to make their investment decisions. Unknown to him is the fact that those he is advising know where we’re coming from in terms of security and Governor Soludo’s efforts so far in dealing with the issue. Some of them have even made personal donations to support their communities' local vigilantes and they now visit home as they wish to do whatever they want to do.

There is no denying the fact that there was security challenge early in the administration but government has worked tirelessly to decapitate the hydra-headed monster. As at today, most criminals' hideouts have been smashed and they are on the run. If people still close their shops and shut their doors early in the evenings, it could probably be out of fear of what they had experienced in the past but more importantly, Onitsha is a commercial town where traders retire early to return to their market stalls by 7.30am. 

The Orakwe fellow  should learn to understand that modern security challenges cannot be resolved at the snap of fingers.

He also made a pitiable gaffe when he said that other contiguous states are better than Anambra. This immediately gives him away as a none dispassionate commentator and another loquacious ignoramus who has eyes but cannot even appreciate the developments around him, yet he claims to have grown up in Anambra State.

He chose to be deliberately blind to the stretches of roads and bridges under construction (some already completed), the reinvigoration of the healthcare delivery system, employment of 5000 teachers, giant strides in ICT, youth development, etc. What a pity!

Since he could not see the physical transformation around him, there is no way he is capable of rationalizing the economic benefits from getting our people to invest in their State. And that is the danger of having someone with congenital myopia dabble into the arena of public commentary. It's unfortunate that a man with such an impairment is working for a radio station that should inform, educate and entertain the public.

Commissioner for Information

Huge man: What Have You Contributed To Keep Anambra Safe?

By Chidebere Ofodeme

I saw a video piece by one "Huge man" or is it "short man" who was ranting on the social media, discouraging ndị Anambra from coming home to live and invest. I called him a short man because it is only a myopic person that thinks the way he does. It is quite "unIgbo" to tell your brethren to remain in  strange lands without recourse to their homeland. It is indeed shameful of you to say the least.

I am not partisan but I am a close observer of happenstances, especially at the corridors of power because it is only an idiot that is ignorant about their leadership.

Therefore, the homeland consciousness which Governor Soludo is currently drumming should be supported by all and sundry. I love his call and I am sure that so many well meaning ndị Anambra support the call as well.

The development of Anambra is a collective effort. This is most probably the reason behind the Governor's call for collective action towards safeguarding and developing the homestead.

Back track. The Progenitor of that "mess of a video" goofed big time. One of his major reasons of dissuading ndị Anambra from remembering their homeland is his allegation that Anambra is not safe yet.

As a non-state actor, I am of the opinion that, comparing it to what obtained before he was enthroned Governor, Anambra is safe under Professor Soludo.

One may even ask what makes a state safe. The security of a state has several dimensions, such as economic security, energy security, physical security, environmental security, food security, border security, and cyber security. To be frank, these dimensions correlate closely with elements of power. Bearing in mind that development is both relative and dynamic, suffice it to say that Anambra is yet to arrive. The only thing that is as disastrous is giving up hope. This is why people like the "short man" ranting on the social media space should be called to order. Security issue is something that is approached with utmost care. Security is not a child's play and at the same time, security is everybody's business.

I therefore give it to Governor Soludo who is the Chief Security Officer of Anambra. When he came on board, more than eight local government areas were under siege by hoodlums, but what obtains today is definitely something to write home about. He has adopted both kinetic and non-kinetic approaches to securing the state. This is highly commendable. Let's encourage him.

Ndị Anambra, let's think home. Ndị Anambra let's go home. Come and develop ala Igbo. The various dimensions of security is playing out in the state and should be supported.

Debunking Hell's Agents Dispensing Insecurity Fears in Anambra

By Christian ABURIME 

 In response to the trending circulation of a propaganda video freshly portraying a non-existent dreadful insecurity situation in Anambra State in order to discourage investors and ndi Anambra from coming to the State, i personally debunk the outrageously fallacious claims and express its utmost disappointment in the individual responsible for the mischievous act.

The acts of mischief, sadism and sabotage are age-long traits of barbarians who live among civilized people. No doubt, every society has its share of subversive characters. 

They are chronic saboteurs who are always hell-bent on throwing the spanner in the good works of government.  Such is the toxic barbarism of the latest sabotaging element, a low-budget mischief-maker in Anambra State going by the self-claimed name of Ifeanyi Orakwue, who is spewing  negativity through contrived propaganda from hell. 

In the trending video in question, the reckless mischief-maker makes reference to the recent Townhall Meeting held in Lagos by Governor Charles Soludo, CFR, asking Ndi Anambra to come home to invest. Obviously harbouring a preconceived sinister agenda to discourage investors, Ifeanyi strangely goes on to raise false alarms of insecurity in Onitsha without citing a specific incident. 

He claims to have driven one night on a lonely road in the commercial city of Onitsha at 9.30pm without seeing anyone. This lowlife does not claim to have been attacked, yet he spawns a torrid tale of a phantom insecurity just because the road is deserted!

Does it not occur to this hallucinating nightcrawler that Onitsha has always been a commercial city with low night life and that decent people must have retired for the night at the hour he was on the road? 

Does he not know that most businesses in the famed commercial city usually open for business by 6am and close by approximately 6pm? 

Does it not also occur to him that the quietness of the area he drove through without any attack attests to the positive impact of the far-reaching security measures the government of Professor Chukwuma Charles Soludo has put in place so far which scare criminals away? 

It is really appalling and grossly shameful for the self-appointed town crier in the toxic video to be discouraging Ndi Anambra in Diaspora not to come home to invest on the basis of baseless claims of insecurity. 

How would someone who claims to be from Anambra State be so maliciously demarketing his own state if he is not either politically sponsored or is given to degenerative buffoonery?!

At a time the Anambra State Government has been making highly commendable efforts in creating an enabling environment for business to attract investors,  the last thing Ndi Anambra need is hellish saboteurs masquerading as patriotic town criers. 

We vehemently condemn such reckless actions that undermine the progress and development of our beloved state.

Not denying occasional pockets of crime in a few areas, Anambra State, under the visionary leadership of Governor Soludo has been tirelessly working towards creating a safe haven for both local and foreign investors. 

The state has consistently ranked as one of the most investor-friendly destinations in Nigeria, boasting a thriving business ecosystem, robust infrastructure, and a dedicated workforce.

Contrary to the misleading video, Anambra State has made significant strides in ensuring the security and safety of its citizens and investors alike. The state government has implemented various initiatives, in collaboration with security agencies, to combat crime and maintain law and order. 

These efforts have resulted in a noticeable reduction in crime rates, making Anambra State one of the safest states in the country. 

Yet, Governor Soludo is not resting until everyone in the state is rest assured.

We call on the public to disregard the trending video and such trash that may come from the laboratories of mischief-makers in the future. 

Ndi Anambra are also advised to exercise caution and verify the credibility of any trending information against the government before drawing conclusions or sharing. 

Most importantly, the state government encourages potential investors to ignore the baseless claims made in the video and come to explore the abundant opportunities that Anambra State has to offer. 

From agriculture to manufacturing, technology to tourism, the state provides a conducive business environment with attractive incentives and a skilled workforce, all of which are instrumental in achieving sustainable economic growth. 

Together, we will build a prosperous and secure future for our state and its people.

Friday 16 June 2023

Soludo Flags Off 2023 Farming Season, Preaches Regenerative Agriculture

By Ejike Abana

Anambra State Governor, Professor Chukwuma Soludo has flagged-off the state's 2023 farming season.

The Governor performed the function at Dr. Alex Ekwueme Square, Awka where farmers from nooks and crannies of the state converged and displayed various farm produce such as cassava stems, bags of rice, cocoanut trees, palm trees, corns, vegetables, live stocks, plantain stems and farm implements.
The event has the theme “Biological Farming: Nature’s Sustainability Solution”.

Governor Soludo who was represented by the Deputy Governor, Dr. Onyekachukwu Ibezim assured of supporting farmers across the state, to ensure food sufficiency.

The Governor reiterated that agriculture is one of the formidable pillars of the present government because of its attendant benefits including economic emancipation, job creation, food security, among others.
While recommending regenerative and biological agriculture as the panacea to food safety and environment sustainability, the Governor pointed out that the annual distribution of one million coconut and palm seedlings' initiative of his administration gears towards presenting palm oil and coconut as the new crude oil.
He expressed optimism that through the initiative, young people will be engaged, thereby reducing criminality to the barest minimum.

The Commissioner for Agriculture, Dr. Foster Ihejiofor stated that Governor Soludo's government has succeeded in putting measures in place for sustainable agricultural practices in the state, with the three basic pillars of suitability to the people, ability to protect environment and economic opportunities they will provide.
Commissioner Ihejiofor observed that biological farming is both environmentally friendly and economically viable to farmers due to its cost effectiveness and improvement of soil, plant health, nutrients fence, tasty crop yields, animal and human health, among others, urging more farmers to key into that system of farming.
The event was attended by Chief of Staff to the Governor, Mr. Ernest Ezeajughi, Traditional Rulers led by Chairman, Anambra State Traditional Rulers' Council, Igwe Nnaemeka Achebe, President General, Anambra State Association of Town Unions, Barr. Titus Akpudo, among others.

Thursday 15 June 2023

One Youth, Two Skills: Anambra State Government Interface With Master Trainers, To Commence Payment Soon

By Ejike Abana 

Master trainers engaged at the ongoing one youth two skills initiative of the Governor Chukwuma Soludo-led administration will soon begin to receive their batch by batch payment from the state government.

Speaking while interfacing with the Master Trainers at the Government House, Awka, the Commissioner for Youth Development, Mr Patrick Aghamba appreciated them for the level of progress recorded in the one youth two skills solution for about seven months, with high sense of passion and commitment to make the lives of our youths better.
The interface was with trainers from Aguata, Idemili North and South, Awka North, Anambra East and West, Onitsha South, Ayamelum, Orumba North and South, Nnewi North and South, Anaocha, Dunukofia, Njikoka and Oyi local government areas of the state.
The Commissioner who emphasized that the next stage of the program before the financing empowerment is the formation of cooperatives, said that the essence is to create a forum for continuous interaction and collaboration for effective business operation, adding that it brings the best and reduces undue competition.

He noted that the master trainers have shown capacity and leadership qualities during the apprenticeship program, assuring of building them more and giving them higher responsibility as part of the ways of taking them to the next level.
While saying that the vision of the Governor is to create a liveable and prosperous smart megacity, the Commissioner pointed out that transforming the youth economically is one of the key pillars to actualize the vision.

He revealed that the Governor is determined in creating 130,000 private sector jobs and 1000 youth millionaires annually, thanked the Governor for his support for the project and stated that the target is to ensure that businesses are moved to the next level.

He assured that they will be empowered very well, but that as part of the empowerment process, they must have to undergo entrepreneurship program, to enable them do business with clear vision and mission in the most professional manner.

The Commissioner called on those that are undergoing six months training to ensure they complete their training and never allow any form of distraction or discouragement from any angle as the Governor is very committed to the scheme.

The Chief Protocol to the Governor and Deputy Chief of Staff, Mr. Chinedu Nwoye and the National President of Anambra State Association of Town Unions, Barr. Titus Akpudo commended the trainers for their resilience and professionalism. 
They stressed that the scheme is one out of many other initiatives of the present administration, to empower the youth and people of the state.

Some of the trainers expressed appreciation for being called up as part of the solution team, assuring that they will not disappoint.

Wednesday 14 June 2023

Anambra State Government Inaugurates Steering Committees On Social Safety, Women Programmes

By Ejike Abana

Governor Chukwuma Soludo has inaugurated two steering committees on social safety and women. 

The committees are Anambra State Social Safety-Nets Programme and Nigeria for Women Programme.

His Deputy, Dr. Onyekachukwu Ibezim performed the function in his stead at the Government House, Awka.

The Federal Government with support from the World Bank established the National Social Safety Nets Project (NASSP) in 2016 to reduce poverty and its associated vulnerability.

The project's strategic objective is to provide access to targeted cash transfer for poor and vulnerable households (PVHHs) under an expanded social safety nets system.
Anambra State has been a beneficiary of this project and the phase one of the project ended in 2022.

To institutionalize the NASSP and consolidate its impact, the Federal Government has integrated the NASSP into the National Social Investment Programme (NSIP) and secured additional financing OF US $800 million from the World Bank to implement National Social Safety Nets Projects-Scale Up (NASSP -SU). 

The Scale-Up project aims to expand coverage of shock responsive social safety nets support among the poor and vulnerable while strengthening the national delivery system.

Members of the State Steering Committee for the Social Safety-Nets Programme include Commissioner foe Budget and Economic Planning, who will serve as the Chairperson, and the  Commissioners for Health, Education, Youth Development, Agriculture, Environment and Women Affairs. 

Others are Sustainable Development Goals' (SDG) Focal person, representatives of Anambra State House Of Assembly Committee on Social Investment and Poverty Alleviation, Workers' Organizations (that is Nigeria Labour Congress in the state), People with Disability, Civil Society, and the Special Assistant to the Governor on Development Partner Coordination
Others include representatives of National Identity Management Agency (NIMC), National Pension Commission,  Nigeria Social Insurance Trust Fund (NSITF), Anambra State Health Insurance Agency, Association of Local Governments Of Nigeria, ALGON, Anambra Chapter, Anambra Chamber of Commerce, Anambra State Cash Transfer Unit (SCTU) and State Operations Coordinating Unit (SOCU) who is to serve as the Secretary.

On the other hand, the Nigeria For Women Programme -Scale Up  is a US$500 million credit to the Federal Government for an eight-year national women empowerment programme to support women with improved livelihood opportunities in targeted communities.

To accomplish this objective, the project will develop and strengthen new and existing Women Affinity Groups (WAGs) with a strong livelihood focus to enhance household income.

As part of the requirements, the state is expected to officially inaugurate the steering committee.

The committee has Commissioner for Budget and  Economic Planning serve as 
Chairperson while the Commissioners for Women Affairs,  Health, Power and Water Resources, Agriculture, Finance, Education, and Justice/Attorney General are members. 

Inaugurating the committees, the Governor said that the programmes tie into his administration's second pillar, describing them as very important committees. 

He reeled out a number of social investment efforts of the present government, emphasizing that such partnership with the federal government is laudable. 

The Governor expressed his resolve to achieve the vision of making Anambra a destination hub where people will dream of coming to live, work and enjoy themselves.
Earlier, the Commissioner for Women, Children and Social Welfare, Lady Ify Obinabo said that the efforts of the Social Safety-Nets Programme is targeted at the poor and vulnerable households.

In a vote of thanks, the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning, Mrs. Steph-Kerry Uzoh stated that the Governor has always been passionate about women and vulnerable people, assuring that the committee will be up and doing.

Chief of Staff to the Governor, Mr. Ernest Ezeajughi was also present at the inauguration.

Monday 5 June 2023

Can Soludo make Anambra an Agricultural State?

By Dr. Oliver Anyabolu 

Soludo, Governor of Anambra State, has an excellent educational background and employment history as our leader. 

He possesses communication, listening, collaboration, empathy, and patience skills.

The people of Ndi Anambra admire him. And believe Soludo has what it takes to turn around their fortune.

Charles Soludo has been the most respected and admired Governor since the inception of the State in 1991.
 Ndi Anambra's expectation for the governor to deliver is too high and to make Anambra State more prosperous. 

The anticipation of Ndi Anambra people includes the Soludo administration to provide good roads, food security, healthcare, the safety of its people, and education. 

The governor is a person with political will and a visionary leader.

However, 95 percent of the population must understand the challenges and barriers the governor faces. They do not know that Anambra is not a wealthy state.

This write-up focuses on how Anambra would become an agricultural State.
Agriculture is the mainstay of any society's economy. 

Anambra can be a farming state with three-quarters of the State as farmland. Food insecurity occurs when an individual goes without food due to a lack of money for one day or two. An individual is poor if he or she does not earn 137,000 naira annually. A person with 87,000 naira and under per year is below the poverty level.

A farm is the raising of food crops or livestock for sale and could include ranches and dairies. Soludo’s administration could collaborate or partner with Anambra Chamber of Commerce, Anambra State Investment Promotion and Protection Agency (ANSIPPA), and Colleges of Agriculture to help beginner farmers understand the steps needed to achieve the dream of having their farms. 

Farmers and ranchers need to know about growing crops and forages- fertilization management, managing livestock (nutrition, health, genetics), marketing, and general business management (accounting, taxes). 

Teach potential farmers where to seek assistance from good sources, not those taking advantage of inexperienced people. 

Educate the new farmers' proper management of insect and mite pests and the instructions for using them with corn crops, soybeans.

One way to increase agricultural products is to have food advocates. 

Governor Soludo should create Sustainable Food Advocates in the 181 towns/communities in Anambra State. These individuals who are skilled in farming, especially the Colleges of Agriculture and expert farmers, have the responsibility through events, conventions, and other speaking engagements to educate prospective farmers, growers, and business owners on how to grow food successfully, which will include the best soil to use, manure, the correct moisture.

In addition, Colleges of Agriculture could have their students cultivate and produce an average of nine tons of produce yearly, yams and cassava. 

Communities could work closely with volunteers to develop one hectare of land in cassava with stipends. The school of Agriculture may be an animal science department that would be in the field to teach and support small farmers in poultry farming

Soludo’s administration should create a total of 1,800 skilled farmers throughout the State. Each town selects ten potential farmers. Involve the experts and various institutions to teach or educate these individuals on agriculture techniques. 

He advocates for policy and regulatory reforms to improve the efficiency and integration of domestic food markets and reduce barriers to food trade. 

With good planning, Soludo's administration could produce good onions, peppers, and beans. Anambra could become an agricultural State where cattle, guinea corn (sorghum), and sheep would be adequate.

One of our small farmers' challenges is the need for more infrastructure. Many small farmers struggle to establish profit margins because they must invest in the infrastructure. 

In addition, the voices of small farmers and those who need greater access to local food are often ignored. The state governor should target to provide access roads to all the food-producing areas to make food prices cheaper. 

Soludo is already doing well in road infrastructure. In late 2022, I traveled to Awba Ofemili on a medical mission and observed heavy road construction along Amansea, Ugbenu, Ebenebe, Ugbene, and Awba Ofemili by Soludo.  

Awba Ofemili is a rice-producing area that produces fish. With good roads, people from Awka would easily travel to the site and buy fresh fish. Most farmers in the State use simple production techniques to produce food crops for family consumption and little for sale. Easy crops to grow include beans, sunflowers, and sweet potatoes. 

Find two hectares of land, which helps create a successful farm. The key is to find the right plot of land, have plan capacity, and put in hard work.

Soludo’s administration would partner with other food agencies to mechanize rice production in Awba Ofemili and elsewhere. Improving supply chains to reduce post-harvest food losses, improve hygiene in food distribution channels, and better link production and consumption centers.

The availability of soft loans would be paramount to increasing food production in the State. The Governor should work with various banks and other institutions to guarantee soft loans to our farmers. Experts in agriculture should inspect these farmers who have State loans often. 

The Governor could seek financial assistance from Anambra billionaires, millionaires, Foundations, and Nonprofit Organizations. Soludo's administration should work with the private sector, governments, scientists, and others to strengthen capacities to assess and manage food safety risks in the State. 

Anambra could become a significant production of cocoa and oil palm. Oil palm or palm oil is a lucrative vegetable oil. It may be used to produce bar soaps used locally for washing. Kernel cake derived from kernel production serves as a feed for dairy cattle with high protein. Oil palm has many byproducts, such as washing detergents and cosmetics. 

Can Anambra become the largest producer of palm oil or cassava in Nigeria? The economic potentials would be enormous revenue both domestic and exports.

Another cash crop is rubber, Anambra should increase rubber production to become the leading State. Cashew nuts and groundnuts have become popular in the world. Anambra cashew nuts could be exported to all parts of the world.

*Dr. Oliver Anyabolu is the Community Health Awareness of Oklahoma*